Alan Barry Coaching
'From Surviving to Thriving'

How does it work?
It’s easy really! I offer a personalised programme for you...
We have an initial chat.
That's all it is - just a chat so we can meet each other and you can find out a little more about the coaching programme and the benefits for you.
It's free and there is no obligation for you to go any further.
Following the call, I'll outline the key things we talked about and include a suggested coaching programme.
If you decide to work with me, we agree on the programme including timings and cost.
Your coaching programme begins....
What a Coaching Programme might look like for You?
Initially, we build a foundation by having a look at what makes you tick - both your thought processes and what you regard as truly important to you - your values. We'll examine your past successes and challenges, explore where you are at currently, what are the important issues you are facing and the areas of your life you wish to focus on. This will all provide the basis for your Programme.
After that exploration, you set some goals! These could be long term (5-10 +years) goals focussed on a major area or two in your life and you'll describe what that long term vision looks like.
Or you may wish to focus on some shorter term objectives (perhaps over the next 6-12 months?) and I can help you develop these.
We'll brainstorm options and possibilities for your action plan - describing what you need to do in pursuit of your goals. This is an essential part of coaching as you identify possible ways forward and then commit to what needs to happen.
We'll celebrate your successes and delve deeper into the areas where you are not moving forwards as you envisaged. Which actions did you complete? Which did you not? What got in the way? This review lets us know if you are moving forward and pinpoints issues if you are not.
At each session, you create and commit to your action plan for the upcoming period and after we meet, I'll email you some coaching notes so that we have a shared understanding of what we've discussed and the next steps
And my role? I listen, ask questions, challenge and support you, offering feedback and observations as appropriate. I operate as a neutral observer and supporter, to help you grow. Basically, as a coach, my role is to give you “a dammed good listening to” and help you create and live your best life!!
The ‘Details’
Your coaching sessions are for 50-60 minutes and we get together weekly, fortnightly or monthly based on your schedule and needs.
All communication is at a (very) safe social distance using Video calls via Zoom, with Skype as a backup.
Calls will be before 11am or after 7pm NZT any day of the week.
All coaching discussions are absolutely confidential and all our interactions are bound by the ICC’s Standards and Code of Ethics.
How Long is a Coaching Programme?
It's up to you! Based on your needs and our thoughts following the introductory call, we'll set up a personalised programme (see details below) including the number of sessions and dates/times.
Some people achieve great value from a short sharp programme, some prefer longer to really lock in the benefits and some have an ongoing relationship with their Coach in order to provide a regular check-in and ensure they remain on track – it all depends on what suits you.
My request is that you simply stay with me as long as you love the coaching experience and feel like you’re getting great value!
You can conclude the programme at any time.